Impreza theme provides responsive and flexible design. All page layouts works perfectly on all devices, from large monitors to mobile phones.
All elements enhanced for Retina displays, so they look clean and sharp on modern gadgets.
The theme gives you opportunity to change layout settings for whole site and for each particular page. Impreza comes with 10 predefined color styles.
But you can go beyond them – adjust one of predefined or create your very own color style!
We have adjusted and incorporated Visual Composer plugin into our theme.
You can easily build unlimited number of layout, because you can visualize what you will get at site page in the process of creation.
Also it is very easy to rearrange and edit already created layouts.
Impreza supports horizontal parallax backgrounds depending on cursor movement, and it also works on mobile devices depending on its position.
You can easuly add 3D looking parallax backgrounds to page sections. Change Parallax Effect speed and even make it reversed.
Love Impreza’s design, but want to adjust fonts? You can easily switch fonts for all text elements using our Options panel.
Each font comes with preview, so you can be sure, that you have chosen right.
Impreza comes with entire FontAwesome Icons set integrated. You can use them at IconBoxes, Tabs, Accordions and many other cases.
[vc_icon icon="star-o" color="text" size="tiny" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="plane" color="secondary" size="small" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="cog" color="border" size="medium" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="flask" color="text" size="big" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="laptop" color="secondary" size="huge" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="sun-o" color="text" size="big" with_circle="1" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="arrow-up" color="secondary" size="huge" with_circle="1" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="heart-o" color="fade" size="big" with_circle="1" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="globe" color="secondary" size="huge" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="upload" color="text" size="big" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="camera-retro" color="border" size="medium" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="leaf" color="secondary" size="small" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
[vc_icon icon="thumbs-o-up" color="text" size="tiny" with_circle="0" link="" external="0"]
Impreza is ready to use from the box. Quickly install it via FTP or WordPress and after you activate it you can load demo content in just One Button Click.
Then you can add your own content on already designed pages.
Impreza is created with best translation practices in mind and already contains language po/mo files for easier translation.
You can add/edit languages easily. In case you need to run multiple languages at once, the theme is optimized for the WPML plugin.
We have not only included this plugin into theme files, but also adjusted it’s style so you can create slides that will correspond overall Impreza theme design.
You can create unlimited number of Sliders with help of this Premium Plugin.
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Answer customers` questions, guide and help them is number one priority for our team.
You don’t have to take our word on it — see ratings of all our items at ThemeForest.